

We are pleased to announce that both Pieces and Only have expanded their presence in Field’s with two brand-new, larger stores, measuring 150 and 450 square meters, respectively.

Creating a shopping center with brands and stores that attract visitors and complement the existing retail mix is like putting together a puzzle. I am very pleased that we could offer ONLY and PIECES larger facilities. For ONLY, this meant expanding their previous store, which now also includes an additional entrance. PIECES has moved to a new, larger store, says Claus Adler, Leasing Manager at Field’s.

BESTSELLER, the parent company of Only and Pieces, has over 20 brands in their portfolio. They offer clothing and accessories for all ages, sizes, genders, and occasions, and many of their brands are represented in all our Steen & Strøm shopping centers as well as in several of the centers under the Klépierre Group.

Our designs appeal to fashion-conscious customers of all ages who are keenly aware of the latest trends. We look forward to meeting the growing demand from our customers in Field’s by offering an expanded range, says Golbahar Kazemi, Store Manager Pieces,in Field’s

Janek Gram, Shopping Center Manager at Field’s, adds:

We are excited to provide both Only and Pieces with larger retail spaces, enhancing their ability to showcase collections. Both we and our female visitors are enthusiastic about the opportunities this expansion brings.

The larger ONLY store not only offers better opportunities to display products but also improves customer flow with two entrances facing different directions in Field’s, comments Cia Olsson, Store Manager at Only.
