We are delighted to announce that Bryggen is about to welcome an exciting store opening this autumn when the Danish fashion brand Kings & Queens opens in Vejle for the first time.
We have chosen to open in Bryggen as we consider Vejle to be a strong shopping center, and Vejle is one of the cities where we receive the most requests for establishment from our customers. Our assessment is that Bryggen and surrounding area is the commercial center in Vejle that will grow in the future, explains Carsten Plambæk, CEO and owner of Kings & Queens.
We are very pleased to welcome Kings & Queens to Bryggen. It’s a strong fashion brand that appeals to our younger target group. We had to rearrange the location of current stores to make room for Kings & Queens, which needed more than 1,000 m2. We have combined four stores on the first floor. As a result, Samsø and Envii have moved to attractive new premises on the ground floor, says Claus Brændgaard, Regional Center Manager at Bryggen.
In a state of positive development
Bryggen is in a state of positive development, with both sales and footfall growing at +10% for sales and +5% for footfall for the first five months of 2024.
Bryggen has just celebrated 16 years in business, and over the years the shopping center has left a profound mark on the retail sector in Vejle. This is confirmed by the major new retail trade analysis that Vejle Municipality recently published, Detailhandelsanalyse for Vejle Kommune 2023. It confirms that Bryggen accounts for almost 20% of the retail trade in Vejle city center.
Today, Bryggen has 38 stores in total, and with more than 2.9 million annual visitors and a parking capacity of 700 parking spaces, Bryggen is a well-established local city center!