The change of ownership in Designtorget when Ayad Al-Saffar acquired Åhléns led to an increased focus on new store openings in strategic and attractive locations. Emporia, with over seven million visitors annually, is one such location. Designtorget’s opening at Emporia in the end of April will be next step towards a more extensive network of stores.
We're looking forward to becoming part of the already impressive range of shops at Emporia, which today is a destination for Scanians as well as Danes. We hope to add value to Emporia's already wide range and find new customers who have not yet discovered Designtorget. Of course, we also want to be physically present for our loyal customers who already shop online or in our physical stores, says Emma Klintbo Klingspor, CEO of Designtorget, who looks forward to a continued good collaboration with Steen & Ström.
Designtorget offers a wide range of interior design, furniture, lighting, children, jewelry, games and much more. DesigntIt is a platform for both established and brand-new designers and offers a carefully selected, delightful and surprising range of products. Five stores, in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö, are complementing a strong online business where the most extensive range can be found.
The reason we have chosen to establish at Emporia is because our store in central Malmö is performing very well and that we believe there is potential for an additional location in Malmö. The fact that Steen & Ström is working actively and successfully with sustainability issues with the objective of building the most sustainable platform for commerce based on a new strategy, Act4Good, for environmental and social responsibility, is a plus for us. Sustainability is an important pillar for Designtorget and covers the environment, people, and opportunities, says Emma Klintbo Klingspor.
Christian Brewaeys, Head of Leasing at Steen & Ström:
We are proud and delighted by the interest shown by home and interior design concepts and we note that several concepts with strong online sales choose physical establishment to offer a showcase where customers are. At Emporia, if you are looking for home and interior design products, you will find an even wider range with the opening of Designtorget, and Granit as previously communicated.
The following home and interior design shops are present at Emporia today: BlomoBox, Cervera, Clas Ohlsson, Designtorget, Dyson, Flying Tiger Copenhagen, Granit, Hemtex, HM Home, Hästens, Illums Bolighus, Jenny Strandhs Blommor, Kjell & Company, Lagerhaus, Lekia, Lexington, Myrorna, Nespresso, Tefal OBH Nordica and Söstrene Grene.
Please read the full pressrelease (in Swedish): "Designtorget och Granit stärker Emporias utbud av butiker för hem och inredning ytterligare"https://www.mynewsdesk.com/se/steen-stroem-sverige/pressreleases/designtorget-och-granit-staerker-emporias-utbud-av-butiker-foer-hem-och-inredning-ytterligare-3246238